2019 is going to be an interesting year!

17th January – Tom & Jamie had their Brathay fundraising evening at Rekki in Kilburn, London, very brave for them to do a vegan menu and no ticket prices, just donations. The food was delicious and they raised around £2000.00 which they kindly included me with my fundraising. Link to pictures here…

19th January Tom flew out to Oslo to start his full-time employment at Maaemo. At the time of writing it’s been snowing heavily out there and very cold! Visit the restaurant here…

Marathon training for me isn’t going that well, but plenty of time yet!

1st January – no longer a director of Meon Survey, I stayed as an employee for the whole of January with my new venture – WGPDIGITAL – starting 1st February. A strange month as I was kept busy at Meon with finishing the Barrack Block survey at Hampton Court Palace, the project which included rectified photography from drone & dslr, came out pretty well. But I also had to start planning working for myself!

A few web projects (hampshirewebsolutions.co.uk) kept me busy for my 1st day of self employment, www.leeps.eu & www.potterswheels.co.uk, but I start a large photogrammetry project for the Goodwood Estate which fills me with equal amounts of excitement and trepidation. Recreate in 3d a Roman Minerva Temple from pile of stones! How hard could it be? I’ll keep you posted!


It does feel strange as I have devoted 21 years to building up Meon Survey to become a respected land survey company, but the last few years have been a challenge with a roller coaster workload. But probably the main reasons for setting up on my own was a) the lack of enthusiasm and vision from my fellow directors, b) the realisation that the current directors were not able to adapt to a changing business world and consequently the company would struggle to reward it’s employees and finally c) perhaps I could earn more and carry out a wide range of services with less actual surveying and a mixture of web development, photogrammetry, aerial photography etc etc. But also but more importantly reward me for my hard work. Let’s see what happens!